Here is an archive of the blog posts written after the publication of Thinking Critically About Abortion. Many of these posts are inspired by observations about how people often engage the issues, other posts discuss further arguments, and other posts recommend other readings and resources.
Please click on the link for the current version of this document!
Posts that are relevant to all:
- Is Your Opinion on Abortion Wrong? Critical Thinking and Abortion
- Are you part of a cult about abortion, or anything else?
- Politicians: take a philosophy course!
- Teaching the topic of Abortion
- "Abortion Is Difficult" by Michael Huemer
- Moral Arguments and the Bible and Abortion and the Bible
Posts critical of pro-choice arguments and engagement:
- Is abortion "up for debate"? Clearly, it is! That's why 'ethical literacy' is needed.
- Is the "bodily autonomy" argument for abortion *that* simple?
- Are Pro-Choicers Irrational (for Only Encouraging Voting)?
- "Force birther"-ism and Virtue Signaling
- Is abortion "healthcare"? What if it often is not?
- Pro-life virtues and vices? Pro-choice virtues and vices? On sex/gender and arguments
- Abortion "Zingers": What About That??
- What are rights? What's the "right" to abortion?
- Does "life" begin at conception? Biological versus "biographical" life
- Are fetuses "human beings"? Biological versus psychological definitions
- Is Herbie 'The Love Bug' a Person?
- Definitions of "Murder" and Anything Else
- Abortion and "What We Are," in our "Essence"
Posts critical of abortion critics' arguments and engagement:
- "When does life begin?" and "Are fetuses human?": Two bad 'scientific' questions to ask about abortion
- "Fetuses are human beings; all human beings are equal in dignity & worth; so abortion is wrong." Good or bad argument?
- Racism, Slavery and Abortion
- Comment on "If Black lives matter, vote for Trump"
- Yes, "a person is a person, no matter how small," but . .
- "If abortion is not wrong, then it's OK to kill sleeping people??!"
- Abortion "Zingers": What About That??
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Abortion
- What are rights? What's the "right" to abortion?
- Does "life" begin at conception? Biological versus "biographical" life
- Are fetuses "human beings"? Biological versus psychological definitions
- Is Herbie 'The Love Bug' a Person?
- Trent Horn on "The Problem of Personhood"
- Pro-life virtues and vices? Pro-choice virtues and vices? On sex/gender and arguments
- Regret ≠ Wrongdoing or Illegal Behavior
- Abortion and "What We Are," in our "Essence"
- On an Abstract "Metaphysical" Argument Against Abortion
- Abortion and the Bible
- Embryo-rescue cases and voting
- Definitions of "Murder" and Anything Else
- Soundbites and Abortion
- A Response to Clinton Wilcox's review of 'Thinking Critically About Abortion' at "Secular Pro-Life"
- A Not Optimally Honest Abortion Debate: A Response to Alexandra DeSanctis’s "An Honest Abortion Debate" in The National Review
Posts on personhood:
- Section 5.1.3 of "Thinking Critically About Abortion," "Fetuses are persons"
- Is Herbie 'The Love Bug' a Person?
- Trent Horn on "The Problem of Personhood"
Book reviews:
- Review of Francis Beckwith’s Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice
- Review of "Embryo: A Defense of Human Life"
Further resources and other posts:
- The Respect People Foundation
- "Engaged Philosophy" interview
- College Ethics: A Reader on Moral Issues that Affect You, Second Edition
- Abortion and Animal Rights: Does Either Topic Lead to the Other?
- "Early and Later Abortions" PowerPoint
- A Law School Syllabus on Abortion
- Public Philosophy on Abortion
- Thank-you notes!
Are there topics you'd like to see discussed? If so, send a message!
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