Colin McGinn has a short essay on reparations. I wanted to repost it here in case it disappears off his page. I also wanted to add more paragraph breaks. See below:
June 20, 2019
The demand for reparations for the evils of slavery is often met with the argument that present-day white people are not morally responsible for the
sufferings of black people under slavery.
That is true, so far as it goes—no one now living is an agent of past
injustices committed before they were born. That would require backwards
But this response misses the point of the demand for reparations.
Suppose your parents stole from their neighbor’s family—they broke into their
house and burgled it, taking everything that have, even cleaning out their bank
account. Suppose the neighbors suffered great financial damage from this theft,
from which they never recovered, which blighted their children’s lives.
Meanwhile, the thieves prospered on their theft and gave their children every
advantage. The result is that you are doing very well in life, but the children
of the neighbors are not.
Now those impoverished children ask for reparations: they want their parents’
assets back, which were wrongfully taken. They ask you to provide those
It will be to no avail for you to insist that you are not responsible for the
sins of your parents—you didn’t commit the burglary and subsequent financial
ruin. That is no doubt true, but not to the point—which is that you benefited
unjustly from the crimes of your parents. You owe the neighbor’s children the
good things that would have been theirs were it not for the theft of their
assets. You are benefitting from the theft from their family, and you need to
give something back. It is irrelevant that you didn’t commit the original
crime; you are benefitting from the ill-gotten gains of that crime, and you
need to make amends.
Suppose there is a particular vase that was stolen from the neighbor’s house
and is now in your possession. The neighbor’s children now ask for that vase
back. They have every right to it, even though you didn’t personally take it.
You ought to give it back. This is entirely obvious.
Now observe that slavery is (among other things) labor theft: slaves have their
labor forcibly taken from them without proper compensation. That labor builds
wealth for the slave owners, which they pass on to their children, and so on
down the generations. Meanwhile, the children of the slaves suffer the
impoverishment resulting from slavery—notably the lack of wealth accumulation.
They are victims of economic exploitation, which is a type of theft. Therefore
they have the right to reparations.
Roughly, those reparations should be calculated according to what the stolen
labor would have been worth under non-slavery conditions. None of this depends
on the claim that the current beneficiaries of past slavery are responsible for
what their forefathers did in order to acquire their wealth; it is, rather, a
point about theft and the just allocation of assets.
You steal from a person if you exploit them and forcibly take the fruits of
their labor. If the slave owners had first stolen the material assets of their
victims and only then subjected them to conditions of forced labor, we would
all agree that their descendants have a claim on reparations for the initial
theft—but the same logic applies to labor theft.
Hence the demand for reparations is morally just. It is a further question of
how the reparations should be computed and distributed, and whether they would
have desirable consequences.
For another introductory reading on reparations, see Reparations for
Historic Injustice by Joseph Frigault
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